Countdown to the Playoffs
to 54th Super Bowl LIV Miami 2020
Published Dec 30, 2019 3:20 AM by Miami Super Bowl 2020 | Playoffs 2020 | #miasbLIV | @miasbLIV | #gonnagotothesuperbowl | American Football Conference 2020 | Clinched Conference AFC Ravens | Clinched Division AFC East Patriots | Clinched Division AFC West Chiefs | Clinched Division AFC North Ravens | Clinched Division AFC West Texans | Clinched Wild Card AFC East Bills | Clinched Wild Card AFC South Titans | Nation Football Conference 2020 | Clinched Conference NFC 49ers | Clinched Division NFC East Eagles | Clinched Division NFC West 49ers | Clinched Division NFC North Packers | Clinched Division NFC South Saints | Clinched Wild Card NFC West Seahawks | Clinched Wild Card NFC North Lickings | Credibility Relevance Wisdom | "Countdown to the Playoffs to 54th Super Bowl LIV Miami 2020"

According the the NFL: The Countdown to the Playoffs to 54th Super Bowl LIV Miami 2020. When is the Super Bowl Game? The Super Bowl Game will; be played on February 20, 2020 let's get ready to Rumble"."
The first playoff game is the "Wild Card" starts "Saturday, January 4, 2020" with "AFC East Bills vs AFC South Texans". The 2nd Wild Card Game will be played on Saturday, January 4, 2020 with "AFC South Titans vs AFC East Patriots". The 3rd Wildcard Game will be played on Sunday, January 5, 2020 with "AFC North Vikings vs AFC South Saints". The 4th Wild Card game will be "NFC East Eagles vs NFC West Seahawks".
The the 4 winners of the Wild Card games will go on to play the Divisional Rounds. These Divisional Round games; and the 1st to be played on "Saturday, January 11, 2020" against the "NFC West 49ers". The 2nd Divisional Round game will be played on Saturday, January 11, 2020 against "AFC North Ravens". The 3rd Divisional Game will be played on "Sunday, January 12, 2020" against "AFC West Chiefs". The 4th Divisional Round game will be played on Sunday, January 12, 2020 against "NFC North Packers".
The winners of the Divisional Rounds, will be headed to the "AFC and NFC Conference Championships". The first "NFL AFC Conference Championship game" will be played on Sunday, January 19, 2020. And the 2nd "NFL NFC Conference Championship game" will be played on "Sunday, January 19, 2020'.
All of these NFL Games will lead, these top NFL gladiators of the gridiron. And what NFL team champion is "going to the Super Bowl 2020". The "54th Super Bowl LIV" game will be played on February 2, 2020. The location of the "SB 2020" will be in Miami Florida. At the "Hard Rock Stadium" in Miami Dade County, in the "City of Miami Gardens". See; https://www.miamigardens-fl.gov/
"Gonna Go to the Super Bowl" Official "Music Video". See; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5VxZws-aac